The First Great International Foam Plate Rubber Band Powered Airplane Contest

The First Foam Plate Rubber Powered Airplane Contest – 2016 – Official Rules


1. The wing and stabilizers must be made from commercially manufactured foam dinner plates. No reinforcement like wood or carbon spars, tape or stickers. Glue and foam plates only. You may use paint or markers for designs and identification. No limit on size or wing span.

2. Rubber motors only, no limit on motor size. No limit on propellers.

3. The motor stick/fuselage is limited to solid balsa wood only, no coatings or reinforcements, with a 1/8″ x 3/8″ maximum cross section, no limit on length.

4. Contest will run the full month of May, 2016. Results must be submitted no later than June 7, 2016.

5. Age classes are Preteen (0-12), Teen (13-19), Adult (20-64), Cunning Survivor (65 or over). Age is as of the first day of May, 2016. Contestants must report their age category when they submit their results.

6. Flights must be recorded in sets of six, on a provided entry card. Each set must be completed before beginning another set of six. Not all flights in a set must be made with the same plane (to permit finishing a card in the event a plane is lost or destroyed). You may enter as many sets of six as you want. Each flight can be made on any day in May, 2016, they do not need to be all on the same day. Each flight must be designated in advance as a contest flight. Times will be rounded down to the whole second. Any flights recorded over two minutes will be counted as a two minute flight (120 seconds) for scoring purposes. Report total time on watch in minutes and seconds as we want to know about your outstanding flights. You may enter as many planes as you like. The score for each entry will be the total of the best three in the six. The fourth best flight will be used to break ties, and so on.  Outstanding long flights will be noted and will still only be counted as 120 seconds.

7. Report results no later than June 7, 2016 to

Foam Plate Rubber Powered Airplane
Contest Director Ronnie Espolt
20233 Encino Rd.
Apply Valley, CA 92308

Report your name, age category, times for each entry and location (town and country) on the entry card provided. Contest Director Ronnie Espolt has the final say regarding interpretation of the rules.

8. Certificates for high scores will be sent out. Prizes will be selected in a raffle drawing from entries.


See Bill Kuhl’s site for more information. His Postal Contest page has downloadable entry forms. See his page on Rubber Powered Foam Model Airplanes for some general guidance. See his page with detailed building instructions for his Fantastic Foam Flyer. This plane is eligible for this contest.

On EndlessLift, see the building tutorial for the Snowflake. This two minute airplane was designed specifically for this contest.

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