The purpose of this postal contest is to encourage friendly participation between aeromodellers worldwide with the prime emphasis being on low-key, leisurely flying without the pressures of ‘regular’ competition. The Internet permits us to have a worldwide event in the spirit of a friendly local club contest. A wide variety of events are offered including classes for types and sizes of models which have been overtaken and/or outclassed by modern developments or are perhaps too small to be considered for ‘serious’ competition work, such as 20” and 25” Rubber, Sky Bunny and Cloud Tramp, many of which can be flown at any time on smaller local sites without the necessity of travel to more formal contests at larger areas.
Flights may be made outdoors between July 1st. 2016 and June 30th. 2017 inclusive; it is not required that all flights in any event be made upon the same day but each is to be pre-nominated as ‘official’. The general format (with exceptions as noted) is for three or more flights to the specified maximum; after three (or more) maximums are achieved, further flights will be made to a higher maximum, increasing by specified increments until the model fails to reach the duration target for that flight. The final score will be the total of all flights, recorded in seconds; the purpose of this scoring system is to reduce the possibility of models being lost in an ‘unlimited flyoff’ and as flights may be made at any time within the contest period it does not entail unduly arduous flying sessions to complete same. In classes where maximum sizes are established, the span shall be measured as per plan, not as ‘projected span’.
A maximum is the maximum time that may be recorded in a flight, without respect to the actual flight time on the watch being over the maximum. To clarify the concept of maximums, consider an event which requires six flights with a maximum of 60 seconds and a 30 second increment thereafter. If you make six flights and all are over 60 seconds, those flight times are each recorded for scoring purposes as a 60 second flight. The total score at this point is 6 x 60 = 360 seconds. If any of your flights are less than the 60 second maximum, that flight time is recorded and the six times are summed for your score. Only if you make all six maxes do you qualify for the next flight, which will have a 60 + 30 = 90 second maximum. If you don’t make the 90 second max, you sum your times so far for your score. If you make the 90 second max, you may make another flight to a 90 + 30 = 120 second max. If at any time, you don’t make the max, your record that time and sum it with all previous flight times for your score. You make no more flights if at any time you fail to make the max for that flight.
Report all times where multiple flights are made, do not report only the final score. I have had submittals of times from other contests listing only final scores. Different contests have different rules for flights and scoring. All flight times are required to verify and make transparent that scoring is done according to the WWP rules.
‘Vintage/Oldtimer’ classes are for designs authenticated to have been flying outdoors prior to December 31st. 1950, even though plan publication may be of a later date in any kit, commercial magazine, SAM publication, club newsletter, etc. Multiple entries with different models may be made in all events but flights in one event may not be ‘doubled up’ with any other class for which a given model is eligible – separate flights, please.
The 20” Rubber class is to encourage the flying of all such models designed for outdoor use and not usually considered competitive against larger designs. There is no restriction on publication or production date and all designs ‘published’ in/on freely available sources i.e. newsletters, websites, etc. are acceptable provided such source and/or details are available to others.
To maximize flying opportunities there is ample scope for a variety of rubber models and gliders to be flown in multiple events and you are encouraged to take stopwatch, pencil and notepad with you each time you go to your local field, or to a contest, as an added incentive to your flying enjoyment. Bear in mind, also, that any number of individual models may be flown in any event for which they are eligible.
A full report will be published here after the scores are received and compiled. To enhance the same, a brief account of weather, site, flying anecdotes, photographs, etc. would be appreciated when scores are submitted. Please ensure that all scores are posted here in Comments, under the Leave a Reply heading, below, by July 15th, 2017; earlier submissions would be most gratefully received! Please provide clear notice as to which class/event they should be posted to. Reporting scores all along should stimulate participation.
I welcome any comments regarding amendment to any event rules that might make same more attractive, or suggestions for other classes that might be considered of general interest in any future Contest.
GOOD FLYING – GOOD LUCK – and … above all … HAVE FUN!
Sky Bunny – Flown per rules published here. Rule 4, about the contest dates, is amended to conform with the dates of this current World Wide Postal Competition.
20” Rubber – For any published/kitted outdoor designs not exceeding 20”/51cm span . Three flights to 60 second maximum followed by 30 second increments thereafter.
25” Rubber – Any published/kitted models up to 25”/63.5cm span. Three flights to 60 second maximum followed by 30 second increments thereafter.
30” Vintage/Oldtimer – For designs pre-1951, not exceeding 30”/76cm. Three flights to a 90 second maximum followed by 30 second increments thereafter.
42” Vintage/Oldtimer – For designs pre-1951, with spans greater than 30”/76cm but not exceeding 42”/107cm. Three flights to a 120 second maximum followed by 30 second increments thereafter.
P-30 Rubber – Standard P30 rules (page 18). Three flights to 120 second maximum followed by 60 second increments thereafter. (Note that this 60 second increment differs from the 30 second increment in the AMA rule.) No gears or movable surfaces, other than for d/t operation.
Freewheel Rubber – Any published/kitted outdoor design with a freewheeling propeller is eligible, wing span not exceeding 36”/91cm. Three flights to 90 second maximum followed by 30 second increments
Unlimited Rubber – Any rubber model with wingspan not exceeding 42”/107cm. No auto surfaces. Three flights to a 120 second maximum, followed by 60 second increments thereafter.
KK “Senator” – A one-design class for this popular design. Three flights to 120 second maximum, followed by 60 second increments thereafter.
Cloud Tramp – Any version of the Cloud Tramp design as published, 8” prop (plastic OK), any type of prop bearing. Five flights, no maximum; longest and shortest will be discarded and balance totaled for score.
Towline Glider – Any glider, straight tow only with no moving surfaces other than autorudder. Maximum towline length 164’/50 metres. Equivalent (164’/50 metres relaxed length) high-start launch systems permissible. Three flights to 90 second maximum followed by 60 second increments.
Small Towline Glider – Any glider to a maximum span of 40”/101.5cm, straight tow with no moving surfaces other than autorudder. Maximum towline length 164’/50 metres. Equivalent (164’/50 metres relaxed length) high-start launch systems permissible. Three flights to 60 second maximum followed by 60 second increments.
6″ Tiny Hand Launched Glider – For any glider with wingspan no greater than 6”/15.2 cm. Six flights, 60 second maximum (flights under ten seconds need not be reported). If six maximums scored, 30 second increments thereafter. Multiple entries permissible.
6″ Tiny Catapult Launched Glider – For any glider with wingspan no greater than 6”/15.2 cm. Six flights, 60 second maximum (flights under ten seconds need not be reported). If six maximums scored, 30 second increments thereafter. Catapult – a 9” loop of ¼” flat rubber attached to a 6” handle. Multiple entries permissible.
8″ Tiny Hand Launched Glider – For any glider with wingspan no greater than 8”/20.3 cm. Six flights, 60 second maximum (flights under ten seconds need not be reported). If six maximums scored, 30 second increments thereafter. Multiple entries permissible.
8″ Tiny Catapult Launched Glider – For any glider with wingspan no greater than 8”/20.3 cm. Six flights, 60 second maximum (flights under ten seconds need not be reported). If six maximums scored, 30 second increments thereafter. Catapult – a 9” loop of ¼” flat rubber attached to a 6” handle. Multiple entries permissible.
Catapult/Handlaunch Glider (small) – For any glider with wingspan no greater than 12”/30.5 cm. Six flights, 60 second maximum (flights under ten seconds need not be reported). If six maximums scored, 30 second increments thereafter. Catapult – a 9” loop of ¼” flat rubber attached to a 6” handle. Multiple entries permissible.
Catapult/Handlaunch Glider (large) – For any glider larger than 12”/30.5cms. Six flights, 60 second maximum (flights under ten seconds need not be reported). If six maximums scored, 30 second increments thereafter. Catapult – a 9” loop of ¼” flat rubber attached to a 6” handle. Multiple entries permissible.
Tip-launch Glider – For any size of wingtip-launch glider. Folding wings and R/C are not permissible. Six flights to a 60 second maximum, increasing by 30 second increments thereafter.
Peanut Scale – Any type, any period, 13″ maximum wingspan or 9″ maximum length. Total highest three of six flights for score.
Dimescale – Any type, any period, 16″ maximum wingspan, no scale or bonus points. Total highest three of six flights for score.
Phantom Flash – Per kit or plan, plastic or wood prop. May be hand launched. Total highest three of six flights for score.
Hi Gary, 25th Worldwide Postal 2016-2017.
I have borrowed an Email to contact you. Here are the flights I managed by June 30th 2017. All were at sites within 30 miles of Grantham, in England. The “Lulu” glider flights were at a farm and were completed just before a thunder storm cleared the field for the day! The “Dab” glider flights were less than I hoped for but some days go like that! The 8″ catapult l. glider was a new model on its first day out. This was the first time I had ever flown 8″. I had great fun that day and am so pleased to have discovered this class. I send my thanks to you for that and for running the Worldwide Postal.
8″ Tiny Catapult L. Glider: 21 28 33 20 34 27 = 163 secs Small Towline Glider: 60 46 30 = 136 secs “Dab”
Catapult L. Glider (Large): 41 30 60 51 30 44 = 256 secs Towline Glider: 62 90 90 = 242 secs “Lulu”
Thanks again,
Graham Percival.
Hi, thank you for organizing such a good thing!
Im a Portuguese flyer and have times for you in three classes:
-25″ rubber models; 60,60,60 and 59s.
I flew a british kit named JADE with 24,17″. weight-45,5 g and with 13,44 g of 1/8″ rubber. The flights were made at 16/5/17
-Catapult hand launch glider ( large);51,60,56,44,50,51 s.
Used a Zip-A-Doo, a Model Aviation plan with 16″ and 24,45 g. Flights made at 17/2/17
-Panut scale; 55,40,53,61,60,54.
A Lacey model with 14,10 g with 3,55 mm x 63 cm (braided) rubber. Flights made at 7/4/17 and 1/5/17
A big Thank you!
José Pereira
Here is my last official flight in 20″ Rubber with my 40% Carl Schmaedig Twin Pusher: 210 seconds. Lost the model (out of sight horizontally, just got too far away) on this flight.
Is there a chance to enter some other classes loke slope soarers steered and unsteered?
Neither of those is included in the current list. If enough people want to add them, we can write up a set of rules and add them.
Here are a few glider times for you:
8″ Catapult glider
Hope Finn, Carbonette 8: 53 60 59 66 60 48
Joshua Finn, Carbonette 8: 67 69 61 52 62 73
8″ Hand launch glider
Joshua Finn, Carbonette 8: 24 25 24 28 28 26
6″ Catapult glider
Joshua Finn, Carbonette 6: 50 52 45 57 61 53
Hope and I kept having our models snag in trees around the field so several flights ended up falling short. No matter; a good time was had in beautiful evening air. I forgot just how high these little gliders can launch.
Joshua Finn, Ph.D., CFII
Mercer Engineering Research Center
J&H Aerospace – Model Airplane Design & Components
AMA 875391
Isaiah 40:31
“The last time government saw Jesus, it killed him” – Scott Ott
Gary, are you still doing the WW Postal? If so I’ve got some entries for you:
2-Bit OTR: Joshua Finn, Ole’ Reliable: 63, 68, 67
20″ Rubber: Joshua Finn, Phantom Flash: 60, 60, 60, 90, 76
Hope Finn, Phantom Flash: 60, 60, 60, 90, 120, 150, 109
Embryo: Joshua Finn, Maxout IX: 90 120 91
Hope Finn, Eaglet: 34, 61
With the exception of Hope’s Phantom Flash flights, all the flying was done in our back yard including the 2 minute max from the Maxout. My last 2-Bit flight and Hope’s last Embryo flight both ended up on the roof of our house (easy retrieval). I don’t have access to the big fields I used to, and it seems that everytime we travel south to the nice field down there the wind is blowing like crazy. Weather has been rather uncooperative this year so far to say the least!
-Josh Finn
Hi Gary & Others:
Finished my 30″ Vintage / Old Time Rubber flights tonight with: 150, 160.
(This completes my Farthing Diamond entry).
Something to shoot for!
-David Aronstein
Hi Gary. Have some times to post.
20″ rubber: I am flying a 40% replica of the Carl Schmaedig Twin Pusher. The replica is my design, and I’ve published the plan on the Hip Pocket Aeronautics online plan gallery. Got to the 3-minute mark today – something I’ve tried to do many times (usually with larger and more competitive-looking models) and rarely succeeded! This model is small but very capable. Usually I fly in the mornings or evenings, but today (Jan 2, 2017) I enjoyed a rare occurrence of calm air in the daytime when I didn’t have to be at work. Here are my times so far:
60 – 60 – 60 – 90 – 120 – 150 – 180 – …
30″ Vintage / Old Time Rubber: Farthing Lightweight (diamond fuselage) from Vic Smeed book Plan Parade, p. 31.
90 – 90 – 90 – 120 – …
More to come in both events, other events too if I get a chance.
Thank you!
-David Aronstein
David , any pics?
Thank you Gary for organizing!
Regarding the Sky Bunny event: was Labor Day weekend the only chance to participate? Or is it also between July 1st. 2016 and June 30th. 2017 like the other events? By the way, because of Hermine we had a very windy Labor Day weekend in the East Coast.
Braulio Carreno
Hi Braulio,
Flights may be made any time between July 1st. 2016 and June 30th. 2017. I see that it was unclear, since the general rules for the 25th International Postal Competition covers the entire year, but the Sky Bunny category states the rules are as in the previous event. Only the rules relating to other than the dates are the same.
Thank you for asking for clarification on that. The main reason I made that change is that too narrow a range of dates eliminates too many potential competitors due to local weather. Local weather should not prevent flyers from participating in an international event.
Wow! Impressive!!! Uncle Bill