Cloud Tramp 2012 International Postal Competition

Cloud Tramp Postal Competition

August 4th – September 30th 2012

The Cloud Tramp is a classic 22″ wingspan, sheet balsa, rubber powered stick model airplane.  It is fairly easy to build and has very rewarding flight performance.

For a number of years the ‘Grant MIMLOCT Mass Launch’ event has been conducted with sponsorship from both the U.K and the U.S.A. on a given date and has steadily received support – in 2011, 172 models were simultaneously launched from all parts of the world. The 2012 Mass Launch is now scheduled for Saturday August 4th at 1700 hrs. British Summer Time i.e. 1200 hrs .New York, 0900 hrs. California, etc. For further details contact the website at the Cloud Tramp Home Page.  A Cloud Tramp plan may be downloaded from this site, which itself is well worth an inspection.

Charles Grant’s original article with directions for building a Cloud Tramp may be found HERE.

This postal competition has been arranged to give Cloud Tramp enthusiasts a further opportunity to fly their models, this time in a more competitive fashion. The contest opening is timed to coincide with the Mass Launch but flights may be made at any time thereafter until closure on September 30th.

Any version of the Cloud Tramp, and other essentially similar designs by C.H. Grant, is eligible, whether published or kitted, fitted with an 8” propeller (plastic optional) and any type of shaft bearing.

For plans of other versions, see our  Cloud Tramp Cousins page.

Five flights are to be made and recorded; the shortest and longest flights will be discarded and the remainder totaled, in seconds, to arrive at the final score.

The ‘Builder of the Model’ rule is not applicable to this contest, models may be freely exchanged and flown by individuals – the purpose is to permit participation by as many as possible, particularly children and young people to whom the flying of this model may be an encouragement to further modeling activities.

There is no entry fee for this contest and the results will be published as widely as possible, by all available means. Photos and flying anecdotes are especially welcomed.

Please advise:

A) Name of contestant, with email address if available.
B) Age of contestant, if under 15 years.
C) Times of five flights, in seconds.

The above details should be forwarded by the end of October to:-

Jim Moseley, 19 Banner Crescent, Ajax, Ontario L1S 3S8, Canada.
Email: Telephone: (905) 683-3014

Note: Your scores may also be seconded to the longer-term CT event in the World Wide Postal Contest, if desired.


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