Flight Reports
This year we had 74 participants: David Owen Catlow, Butch Brookshier, Mike Parker, Gary Hinze, Ken Bayliss, Mike Smith, Frank Scott, Mary Durnbaugh, Val Dahlem, Jim Bair, Terry Rosenbaum, Bobby Rosenbaum, Steve Fitton, Dean Giacopassi, Dianne Tate, John Tate, Steve Kolet, Fran Kolet, Cedric dela Nougerede, Eric Bulmer, Eric Grigg, Bernard Scott, Pierpaolo Riboli, Roberto Viti, Alberto Pasqua, Fabio Suardi, Paolo Cassina, Paolo Rossi, Paolo Erbe, Bruno Bassani, Silvano Bergamini, Pietro, Nicolò Maffeis, Miriam Erba, Ron Marking, John Jones, Roy Smith, David Lovegrove, David Thurling, Simon Burch, Gary Law, Robin Willes, Jean Smith, Brian Burke, Liz Frost, Roger Marples, Tony Tomlin, Mike Eyre, two anonymous fliers, John Turchin, Larry Literovich, Ron Campbell, Lawry Eady, Andy Fakla, Glenn Nigh, Kerry Bushell, Wendy Millard, Ray Millard, Ian and Diane Hibbert, Bob Kopski, Barry Buzdygon, Denny Carlson, Joe Kraynak, John Hickey, Bruce Fenstermacher, Rich Greenwood, Brett Barry, David Martin, David Nagi, Craig Lewis, Conner.
See individual reports below and in the comments at the end of this post.
Gary Hinze, San Jose, California, USA.
Last night I readied my Cloud Tramp. Replaced the wing hold down rubber band. Put the wing at 7 3/4″ from the nose. Gathered a small plastic can with 29″ long, four strands of 3/32″ braided motor, lube bottle, lube baggie, cotton diaper rag, foot stooge, counter winder, camera and extra batteries, all in a small child’s shoe box.
I went over to Butcher Park, the larger of two local parks, with a square lawn about 400 feet on a side. Sky was overcast, still air, comfortable temperature. I walked out on the field at 7:55 AM. Wound the motor, counting 20 turns on the 10:1 winder, expecting to get slightly more than a one minute flight. Fouled the camera on launch, picked up the Cloud Tramp and relaunched. It made a nice, steady right circle, not high but large diameter. I got a video. I walked off the field at 8:00 AM. At home the flight timed a couple seconds less than a minute.
Wing at 7 3/4″, 8″ carved balsa prop, 1.8 P/D, plane weighs 24.3 grams, 4 strands, 29″, 0.042″ x 0.094″ (~3/32″), two O-rings and lube, 4.5 grams, 2,345 nominal maximum turns, total weight 31.8 grams.

Hi Gary,
I’ve posted a report on the website, but was not sure how to upload the associated photos.
I’ll attach a couple that may be of interest.
Hope you are staying safe and well in these uncertain times.
Best regards,
Mike Parker
Hi Gang.
The 2021 Cloud Tramp Mass Launch had 6 people today at the Wolf Trap Park here in Yorktown VA. And we also had 2 people who flew in Smithfield VA.
Here is the group of flyers lined up ready to fly in Yorktown.

From left to right: Terry Rosenbaum, Bobby Rosenbaum. Steve Fitton, Dean Giacopassi, Dianne Tate and John Tate.
Here is the group of flyers from Smithfield VA.

From left to right: Steve Kolet & Fran Kolet.
Wolf Trap had to fly in the rain. Smithfield got their flights in between rain clouds. Here are some shots of the Wolf Trap getting ready to fly in the rain:

John Tate
Hi Gary,
My friend Cedric dela Nougerede asked me to tell you that he took part, as he doesn’t have the technology to use the website.
Like me, he fell foul of the weather, so just made a short flight in his garden in the south of England. He has participated over many years and was one of the large group of flyers who used to gather for the GM event at the famous Epsom Downs racecourse, home of The Derby classic horse race. Back in the day, they had launches of 50+ CTs!
Mike Parker
Hello Gary We had relative good conditions for a short flight. Winds were light to moderate and variable. With 700 winds we got about 19 second flight including nose dive to terra firma. Thanks again Gary for your commitment in keeping the annual Cloud Tramp event going. Take care Eric Grigg

See the video HERE.
Dear Gary,
We at Gruppo Aeromodellistico Falchi Bergamo Italy on Saturday 7th.
August at 18:00 Italian local time have celebrated the Cloud Trump
memorial launch and here enclosed please find the photos and the video
link posted on you tube for your easy reference :
We have recorded it on our web page too :,-lancio-simultaneo-mondiale.html
Let me know if everything is in order and/or if you need more news about it.
Best regards, Paolo Rossi
La Segreteria
Gruppo Aeromodellistico Falchi Bergamo

Hi everyone – well, I have been out flying today!!!!! The first time in over a year, the pandemic restricting access to a flying field for power models. Today was the Charles Hampson Grant Memorial International Mass Launch Of Cloud Tramps (MIMLOCT). For the first time ever, I did that and attach a picture to prove it – not that the picture shows the time or date, so it doesn’t actually prove anything. You’ll just have to take my word for it. If only the flight had continued in the orientation shown in the pic – just like a Dixielander (the memorial shirt for which I was wearing at the time). I have to “fess up” however and admit that such was not the case. My wife took a great picture though didn’t she?

Roy Smith, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Hi Gary,
Despite a day that included strong wind and thunderstorms at 5pm the wind eased a little and patches of blue sky appeared on Port Meadow Oxford. To be fair to those who intended to come but didn’t, we could see rain falling in several places around the city. So, just four of us this year: Davids Lovegrove and Thurling, Simon Burch and myself celebrated an iconic little aircraft, designed before I was born! I’ve added David Lovegrove’s Shakespearian description to the other club members that were intimidated by the weather! Cheers Gary Law Oxford UK

Grant MIMLOCT Mass Launch, Port Meadow, Oxford. Saturday August 7th, 5pm
That’s maybe slightly too grand a title for an event that comprised just four stalwarts of the Oxford MFC on a breezy but very enjoyable late Saturday afternoon at the Meadow! Simon, Gary, David (Thurling) and I gathered in the car park at 4:30pm, awaiting further keen entrants for this (normally) annual event, but further entrants, keen or otherwise, were there none. . . Undeterred, our plucky quartet made its way out onto the slightly damp, well-fertilised sward and prepared for the countdown. At five o/c precisely, we launched our CTs into the bosky breeze and found that, well, they’d only gone a few yards before giving best to the aerial gods. Modesty forbids that I should mention the name of the owner of the Tramp that made the longest flight, but in reality we all won! We’d had fun, against all the odds. No rain, a bit of patchy sunshine and a lorra lorra laughs. Excellent. Added to all that, you missed out on the chance to score a brilliant prize. (Chocolate for everyone!) But where were the rest of you on this auspicious occasion? I’m sending some photos so you can see what you missed. Cheers, David Lovegrove
Epsom Downs, a gap in the bad weather for our 2021 CT launch. Nine flew (one took picture, the other frantically winding!)

CT fliers at Epsom were Robin Willes, Jean Smith, Brian Burke, Liz Frost, Roger Marples, Tony Tomlin…..and 3 others who escaped before I could catch them…….before the deluge!
Robin Willes
Saturday August 7, 2021, at 11:00am Eastern Standard Time, we gathered at the Niagara Region Model Flying club to participate in the 26th Charles Hampson Grant Memorial International Mass Launch of Cloud Tramps. The event was open to anyone in southern Ontario, Canada. We had 7 participants in attendance. Weather was great with only a small amount of wind, temperature around 25C. The only problem we had is that the farmer next to the field had planted corn this year and we did loose one model in the corn. We hope to try and get more people involved for next year. The 2022 event will be held at the Rose City Flyers field in Welland.

Left to right – John Turchin, Larry Literovich, Ron Campbell, Lawry Eady, Andy Fakla, Glenn Nigh,
Kerry Bushell with his son and grandson.

Additional photos can be found at the Niagara Region Model Flying Club Facebook page and at Bill Michells flickr page Cloud Tramp Mass
Launch | Flickr .
Ron Campbell
MAAC 5348
August 13, 2021
Unlike many previous Mass Launch days in North Norfolk, this year it was flat calm and so we had a chance to play around with the Cloud Tramps: 200 turns would give a full circuit with them landing at our feet. ( well, almost!!)
Happy flying, All!!
Wendy and Ray Millard, Blakeney, Norfolk.


Visit the Keystone Radio Control Club and see more pictures on their Instagram page. Flyers included Bob Kopski, Barry Buzdygon, Denny Carlson, Joe Kraynak, John Hickey, Bruce Fenstermacher, Rich Greenwood, Brett Barry, David Martin, David Nagi, Craig Lewis, and Conner.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the reports submitted through the comments.
The 26th Charles Hampson Grant Memorial International Mass Launch Of Cloud Tramps
We are promoting this event to celebrate the contributions made by Charles Grant to the development of our hobby. We hope that as many people as possible will make a Cloud Tramp and join in the world wide launch on the traditional first Saturday in August, this year it is Saturday, August 7, 2021.
The goal is to remember Charlie Grant’s contributions to aeromodelling and to enjoy flying his most popular design, a design that was intended to introduce modelers to the joy of simple aeromodelling. You can see from the pictures that this is a simple sheet balsa model that anyone can build.
GRANT MIMLOCT 2021 is not a competition and there are no prizes. We hope participants will enjoy the fun of building and flying the Cloud Tramp, as well as taking part in this unique event, which attracted 141 participants from all over the World in 2016, 131 in 2017, 196 in 2018, 128 in 2019 and 67 in 2020.
Please let us know if you take part in GM 2021 so that your name can be included in the official report and you can be counted in the tally. Use the Comment feature below. Let me know if you have pictures and I can arrange to post them.
The Cloud Tramp was the last manifestation of Charlie Grant’s basic stick rubber model for beginners and appeared in Model Airplane News, August, 1954. These models were intended to illustrate scientific principles of design, trimming and stability. The Cloud Tramp can be built very quickly and flies well. A copy of the plan [ half-size, with some full size parts ] can be downloaded.

Save it to hard disk and open it with a suitable application so that it can be printed at the correct A4 (11″ x 8.5″ USA) size. Size it so the wing chord is 3″. The text of the accompanying article can be read on Garry Hunter’s excellent website.
Two articles about Charles Grant and the Cloud Tramp have appeared in the magazine Free Flight Quarterly, Issue No. 2, January 2002, page 18 and Issue No. 3, April 2002, page 19. Back issues are available on CDs.
Lastly, why not decorate your CT with an authentic Charlie Grant autograph,

or even better, this neat graphic specially drawn by Iain Paterson.

Just import it into a Microsoft Word document or equivalent, adjust to the size you want, then print onto tissue and dope/glue it in place.
If you want a full size CT plan specially drawn by Bob Jones, click HERE.
I am pleased to report that a new kit is being produced by Vintage Model Company in Great Britain, convenient to the European market. I have this kit and can vouch for it.
News Flash! George Bredehoft is bringing back his Cloud Tramp kit, but only a Short Kit. You will get all the laser-cut sheet balsa pieces and plans/instructions in this very basic short kit ($11). You can add a plastic prop (+$1) or a Superior Props Cloud Tramp balsa prop blank (+$8) as options. All the other items needed to complete the kit are standard hobby shop items. Get it now and fly in the August World-Wide Cloud Tramp Mass Launch! I have several of George’s original full kits and can vouch for their quality.
The prop shaft bearing can be modified to aid trimming – have a look at some ideas that Pete Money has collected, including a neat adjustable system developed by Bob Morris, and the alternative system that Bob Kopksi uses. Pete has also forwarded some suggestions for improving the wing construction and fixing. See also our suggestions on EndlessLift. If your CT needs a D/T, Roland Frid has developed a neat system. If you fancy a change from rubber power, have a look at Tony Overton’s alternatives or even try an enlarged R/C version like Den Saxcoburg.
I discovered this while compiling this year’s report. Scroll down to page 4 for an article on getting the most out of your Cloud Tramp by Andy Sephton.
Have a look at Colin Hutchinson’s 2011 and 2012 photopages of the event.
There are several videos featuring Cloud Tramps on YouTube! Just type Cloud Tramp into the search box to find them.
Mike Parker compiled a report of GM 2015 from the various anecdotes submitted by participants.
See the Epsom Downs Model Aircraft Club fly their Cloud Tramps here EDMAC.
Read the 2017 MIMLOCT Report , the 2018 MIMLOCT Report, the 2019 MIMLOCT Report and the 2020 MIMLOCT Report.
Sorry this is late. Had difficulty finding the site to record our contribution. It was too wet and windy to go to our usual flying field, Barkston Heath, UK, so Ian and Diane Hibbert flew their Cloud Tramps at a local field. One built from scratch, one from a kit. We now have 7 to choose from, flew them all at Barkston last weekend. Love flying them.
Cornwall, England. I am afraid that heavy rain in the morning and 20mph winds all day meant that only two of us took part this year. John Jones had a very short flight in his garden. I took two models (mine and one which had belonged to John Ralph who passed away last Christmas Day) to a small field nearby. I launched my model and bent down to pick up the other, pre-wound, one; but mine was already down. John’s flew for about 20 sec before it, too succumbed to the very gusty conditions.
Ron Marking. Good to see you were able to take part Ron; still keen after many MIMLOCT flights. Sorry to hear about your friend John. I always think about Co-Originator Loren Dietrich when I launch my spare CT and I think many participants have come to regard the event as a celebration of the lives of lost flying friends as well as that of CHG. Best regards, Mike
MIMLOCT 2021 in Hamilton, New Zealand
MIMLOCT moment comes to pass
As frost is crisp upon the grass
For timing here in our En-Zed
Is when the sane are warm in bed.
Yes, I know they’ve changed the rules
But there are some, perhaps just fools
Who like to play the harder part
And choose to suffer for their art.
Spurn the early morning start?
That’s what sets MIMLOCT apart !
Sadly, up in Auckland town
They all prefer their eiderdown.
On appointed winter’s morn
Cold and bleak, but ne’er forlorn
I cross the empty local park
To meld into the icy dark.
A bright headlight upon the hat
Helps with winding, and all that
Then, by following beacon flashes
Off on blind retrieval dashes.
What do neighbours make of this
Surely something is amiss ?
The Police at 4am are slow
There’s time to fly, retrieve and go.
So will it be, again next year
Facing another morning drear
To honour the glorious C.H.G.
(However dubious that may be).
Bernard Scott, 2021
Excellent verse Bernard and true dedication! By the power invested in me by the late, great, Grand Marshal for All the Americas, Loren Dietrich, I hereby award you the CHG Grand Cross, First Class. Wear it with pride, if only virtually. Mike Parker, ex Grand Marshal for the United Kingdom.
Bordon, Hampshire ~ 3.30pm B.S.T.
Hello Gary, I managed to fly this afternoon between showers on an area of grass and very large trees outside my front door. Needless to say I managed to ‘tree’ the C.T. Luckily not too high so shook a branch and all was saved. It was very windy also – the spirit that made the Empire or merely daft?
The McCook Field Squadron FAC, Dayton OH had 5 fliers this year. Mike Smith, Frank Scott, Mary Durnbaugh, Val Dahlem and Jim Bair.
20:00 Hrs BST Aston on Trent Derbyshire. Well I managed a launch. Very windy and rain showers. Just a couple of hundred turns on the four strand 1/8 th inch tan rubber. Short but nice stable flight.
Hi Gary,
A combination of heavy rain and continued Shielding in House due to medical vulnerability forced me to carry out my 26th GM celebration in my lounge. The conveniently placed sofa at one end of the room provided a soft landing area, so the only CT to have completed all 26 missions survived intact. I will send photos separately. This flight doesn’t hold the record for the shortest distance flown however, because my younger daughter once got caught in a motorway traffic jam on her way to her chosen site in the days when the 5pm launch time was observed. Unable to leave the car, (which was a Mazda MX5 convertible!), she “flew” the CT to her passenger. A record unlikely to be broken – unless anyone out there knows differently……..
Many thanks for your efforts in continuing to promote the GM event. Long may it continue.
Best regards to all,
Mike Parker
Well, I participated. Yay! Unfortunately my camera refused to record video at the field. (Worked fine when I got home.) I completed my new, lighter Cloud Hobo and it flies much better than the old one. Got in 2 flights of about a minute. I was using one loop of 3/16″ Tan Sport with about a 1,000 winds.
Hello Gary
Flew my new Cloud Tramp in Darnford Park, Lichfield UK this morning. Rather windy but it flew beautifully.
Hello Gary. Hope all is well with you. It’s Eric Grigg from North Bay, Ontario, Canada. I will have one, maybe two CTs for the August 7th launch.
My name is Kerry Bushell. I have built a Cloud Tramp from scratch and would love to come for the launch. My e-mail is What time should I arrive at the field on August the 7th. Kerry Bushell MACC # 46551
Congratulations on building your Cloud Tramp. Everyone flies at their local field. Some fly with a group. Check and see whether there is a local MACC club or group that is planning to fly the MIMLOCT. Originally the launch time was simultaneous worldwide, but that made it very difficult for some. Each individual or group now picks their own best time of day.
What time of day will the launch be held, please ?
I decided that the purpose of remembering Charlie Grant would be better served by having more people participate rather than requiring everyone worldwide to launch simultaneously. We can’t see planes flying in other countries anyway. We can still have mass launches locally, where we can see a swarm of Cloud Tramps flying together.