The 25th Charles Hampson Grant Memorial International Mass Launch Of Cloud Tramps
We are promoting this event to celebrate the contributions made by Charles Grant to the development of our hobby. We hope that as many people as possible will make a Cloud Tramp and join in the simultaneous launch on Saturday, August 1, 2020. The Launch Time will be 1700 hrs British Summer Time (GMT + 1 hour), so individual participants will have to calculate the appropriate local time at their venue [ New York, 1200 hrs; California, 0900 hrs; Sydney 0400 hrs, etc. ]
This year I suggest loosening the time requirement from international simultaneity to simultaneity within your local time zone. The goal is to remember Charlie Grant’s contributions to aeromodelling and to enjoy flying his most popular design, a design that was intended to introduce modelers to the joy of simple aeromodelling. We fly on the first Saturday in August at 1700 hours local time. If you can manage to fly at the international time, also feel free to do so.
GRANT MIMLOCT 2020 is not a competition and there are no prizes. We hope participants will enjoy the fun of building and flying the Cloud Tramp, as well as taking part in this unique event, which attracted 141 participants from all over the World in 2016, 131 in 2017, 196 in 2018 and 128 in 2019.
Please let us know if you take part in GM 2020 so that your name can be included in the official report. Use the Comment feature below.
The Cloud Tramp was the last manifestation of Charlie Grant’s basic stick rubber model for beginners and appeared in Model Airplane News, August, 1954. These models were intended to illustrate scientific principles of design, trimming and stability. The Cloud Tramp can be built very quickly and flies well. A copy of the plan [ half-size, with some full size parts ] can be downloaded.

Save it to hard disk and open it with a suitable application so that it can be printed at the correct A4 (11″ x 8.5″ USA) size. Size it so the wing chord is 3″. The text of the accompanying article can be read on Garry Hunter’s excellent website.
Two articles about Charles Grant and the Cloud Tramp have appeared in the magazine Free Flight Quarterly, Issue No. 2, January 2002, page 18 and Issue No. 3, April 2002, page 19. Back issues are available on CDs.
Lastly, why not decorate your CT with an authentic Charlie Grant autograph,

or even better, this neat graphic specially drawn by Iain Paterson.

Just import it into a Microsoft Word document or equivalent, adjust to the size you want, then print onto tissue and dope/glue it in place.
If you want a full size CT plan specially drawn by Bob Jones, click HERE.
I am pleased to report that a new kit is being produced by Vintage Model Company in Great Britain, convenient to the European market. I have this kit and can vouch for it, too.
The prop shaft bearing can be modified to aid trimming – have a look at some ideas that Pete Money has collected, including a neat adjustable system developed by Bob Morris, and the alternative system that Bob Kopksi uses. Pete has also forwarded some suggestions for improving the wing construction and fixing. See also our suggestions on EndlessLift. If your CT needs a D/T, Roland Frid has developed a neat system. If you fancy a change from rubber power, have a look at Tony Overton’s alternatives or even try an enlarged R/C version like Den Saxcoburg.
I discovered this while compiling this year’s report. Scroll down to page 4 for an article on getting the most out of your Cloud Tramp by Andy Sephton.
Have a look at Colin Hutchinson’s 2011 and 2012 photopages of the event.
There are several videos featuring Cloud Tramps on YouTube! Just type Cloud Tramp into the search box to find them.
Mike Parker compiled a report of GM 2015 from the various anecdotes submitted by participants. Please feel free to print copies for circulation to those folks who are not yet part of the www community.
See the Epsom Downs Model Aircraft Club fly their Cloud Tramps here EDMAC.
Read the 2017 MIMLOCT Report , the 2018 MIMLOCT Report and the 2019 MIMLOCT Report.
We have received reports of 69 participants so far this year: Gary Hinze, Stu Cummins, Jo Campbell, Eric Grigg, Molly Curran, Bob G, Bob Heywood, Val Dahlem, Jim Bair, Butch Brookshier, Eric Bulmer, José Pereira, Max Oades, Amy Ogram, Lexie Ogram, Mike Parker, Sue Batkin, Paul Burt, Stuart Church, Ron Marking, Dave Powis, Margaret Prichard, Trevor Prichard, John Wheddon, John O’Sullevan, John Richards, Gillian Richards, Hannah Richards, Pete Dickson, Val Dickson, R. Allen Shields, Silvano Bergamini, Roberto Carosio, Mauro Cella, Pierpaolo Riboli, Paolo Rossi, Fabio Suardi, Roberto Testa, Roberto Viti, Tom Curphey, Gary Law, Richard Law, Ian Hibbert, Diane Hibbert, 15 members of the KRC, Richard Granger, Ian Hewitt, Peter Arkley, Tony Brookes, Howard Smith, Ulla Granger and two other members of the Nottingham Model Aero Club, Ray and Wendy Millard.
Many people reported directly to EndlessLift through the Comments window. You can read the Comments below. This section contains reports forwarded by emails, with pictures.
Gary Hinze, San Jose, California, USA.
I went over to Butcher Park, the larger of two local parks, with a square lawn about 400 feet on a side. Sky was overcast, with a slight drift from the east. As I got ready the overcast turned into scattered puffy clouds with blue sky and sunlight.
I put 1,200 turns (49%) into the motor for a check flight. Climbed a little over my head in a right circle, bobbing up and down, 26.98 seconds. I moved the wing back 1/4″.
1,500 turns (61%) did 41.37 seconds, but the drift had changed directions and took the plane into the east tree line. It hit a tree and fell to the ground.
I went to the other side of the field, 1,700 turns (69%), launching into the sun. It climbed moderately high. When it passed overhead I said “Thank you, Charlie.” Down at 47.28 seconds. It had drifted halfway across the field and I could now feel the wind on my face. I had hoped to get a minute, but more turns would get it higher into faster drift and I did not want to lose it into the tall trees or past the trees into some back yard. While taking the motor off I noticed that the 1/32″ steel prop shaft had become bent inside the brass tube hub and the prop would not turn on the shaft.
Wing at 7″, 8″ carved balsa prop, 1.8 P/D, plane weighs 24.3 grams, 4 strands, 29″, 0.042″ x 0.094″ (~3/32″), two O-rings and lube, 4.5 grams, 2,455 nominal maximum turns, total weight 31.8 grams.
Stu Cummins and Jo Campbell, Trinity, Florida, USA.

See the corresponding comment, below.
Hi Gary,
A couple of photos to accompany my earlier report. Flying in the garden (on medical advice) was always going to end with the model in a bush! Fortunately, my original 1995 CT, built from the drawing sent to me by Loren Dietrich, Co-Originator of the GM event, survived its 25th outing unharmed. Many thanks for your efforts in keeping the event going, particularly at this difficult time, when we all need some moments of relaxation and reflection.
Best regards,
Mike Parker, Hull, UK

Hello Gary,
Gary it’s Eric Grigg and my granddaughter Molly Curran ( almost 2 year old mechanic) from North Bay Ontario Canada. We had several great flights as the weather was perfect with a gentle breeze from the east. We still use a small football field so we started out with 600 turns and worked up to 1000 turns which gave us a flight of just over 30 seconds. Both my daughters are expecting this year so next year plan to see a couple more participants on the flight line. Thanks for keeping the Cloud Tramp Memorial going Gary. It’s great fun. Take care and stay well.
Eric Grigg


Hi Gary,
Once again we at Gruppo Aeromodellistico Falchi Bergamo, Italy, have honoured Charlie Grant with a Cloud Tramp launch.

Due to pandemic restrictions we had fewer fellow members. Enclosed please find photos of the participants and a video:

– Bergamini Silvano

– Carosio Roberto

– Cella Mauro

– Riboli Pierpaolo

– Rossi Paolo

– Suardi Fabio

– Testa Roberto

– Viti Roberto

Wishing you all the best.

Paolo Rossi
Hi Gary:
Here are a couple of shots.

One is of John and Gillian Richards and their granddaughter Hannah.

The other is of John R., Hannah and me.
I did not have a Cloud Tramp of my own as I planted it in a big tree at our last outing. John R kindly provide me with a new Cloud Tramp which flew perfectly without any trimming.
Had the best of all weekends, RC electric sailplane Saturday morning, Cloud Tramp Sat afternoon, RC electric sailplane Sunday morning, slope sailplane Sunday afternoon and now Monday morning off for more electric sailplane stuff. Being 79 does have some perks.
Regards from Sunny Nova Scotia
John O’Sullivan
Attached is a photo of Keystone Radio Control, Franconia PA, 5th Annual Mass Cloud Tramp Launch. 15 pilots launched Cloud Tramps, this event is our largest club event of the year. Last down prizes for the top three.
Rich Greenwood

Dear Gary,
Mike Parker suggested that I write to you about the various Cloud Tramp events we have held at our club since 2017. It was Tony Brookes who first suggested that we should have a go, and whilst there are not all that many of us, we decided to go for it. As a bit of a free flight nut, I was amazed at the performance of the basic Cloud Tramp. We very nearly lost one this year! A most enjoyable way to spend and evening, and an event we are determined to carry on with. A few pics for you, taken variously at our flying field, the local recreation area, and St. Albans football pitch. If there is any other info you would like, do let me know. And in the midst of all this chaos, roll on 2021!
All the best,
Richard Granger

Belated report!! Wendy and I flew CT in Blakeney, Norfolk. Breezy as usual, but we had a couple of 20 seconds plus flights, so we went home happy.
Ian and Diane Hibbert (GDMAS) flew two new Cloud Tramps in the garden. Weather rather blustery.
A rather wimpy flight – never got more than a few feet off the ground. I suspect an old tired motor plus warped stab did me in.
I got out yesterday and flew my CT. I flew it in San Antonio Texas and had a blast. The CT flew better than any previous flights over the past few years. It was on my 74th birthday yesterday. Glad to take part.
Hi Gary,
Two more to add to the list. My friends Pete Dickson and Val Dickson flew at Swanland, UK
Nova Scotia Canada
The Richards family and I (John O’Sullivan) braved the beautiful 28 deg C cumulus laden skies with 4 Cloud Tramps. All models were launched at 1:00 pm as required and all flew very well on 200 turns or less due to limited field size. Brian Richards was not able to attend.
Tried posting some Photos of John and Gillian Richards and their granddaughter Hannah and of John R., Hannah and John O’S, but could not find how to attach them.
The following members of Cornwall Vintage Aeromodellers had successful flights yesterday. The best flights werte over 1 min.
Sue Batkin, Paul Burt, Stuart Church, Ron Marking, Dave Powis, Margaret Prichard, Trevor Prichard, John Wheddon
Still Shielding on medical advice, so I made a token flight in the garden with my original 1995 CT, veteran of all 25 GM Events. Was joined by young visitors, who took it in turns to fly my reserve CT whilst observing Social Distancing; so list of Participants:
Max Oades, Amy Ogram, Lexie Ogram and Mike Parker.
Photos to follow.
Mike Parker, Hull, UK
You can see a video in:
Cloud Tramp free flight model
Hi, friends!
Yesterday I flew my Cloud Tramp. Field too small, wind too strong. After colliding with my wind stramer, and breaking a wing I got a flight in a very powerful thermal. Fortunately I got back the model! 44s at the field limit.
Congratulations to everyone!
A solo effort at Bordon, Hampshire on a small area twixt trees and school fence. Just managed to avoid both. C.T. flew well with new motor. Blustery but warm. Strange but I found twenty-one golf balls on this patch; pity I don’t play. Left them in a heap near the entrance; might make somebody’s day !
Well, I tried, but it didn’t go so well. I didn’t build a completely new plane for this year like I had planned, but I did build a new wing. Call it the Cloud Hobo 1-1/2. Yes, I have a wee bit of trouble with procrastination. Still not climbing well, but I flew anyway. Anyway, here’s 2 vids of my 2020 attempt. Wind was very breezy, which didn’t help.
I also suspect my plane is a bit heavy. Could some of you give the weights of your models, please?
Dodging rain the McCook Field Squadron FAC (Dayton OH) got 3 into the air this year. Bob Heywood, Val Dahlem and Jim Bair flew. the launch video is on our Facebook page.
Hi Gary: successful MI(solo)LOCT today at Stilwell Park, Syosset, NY to join in the celebration. Several good flights despite breaking the rubber band holding the wing to the fuselage and adjusting incidence with a wad of tissue. Must be the positive MIMLOCT energy! Many thanks to you. Cheers!
Hello Gary, We flew our Cloud Tramps again here in Trinity, Florida, USA. Formerly member McCook FAC, Dayton, OHIO. Thanks for keeping this fun event going!
Stu Cummins and Jo Campbell. (Photo sent separate.)
Hello Gary
Thank you for your reply. I’ll have at least one Cloud Tramp for Aug. 1/20
Eric Grigg
North Bay Ontario, Canada
Hi Eric (and Gary),
Good to see you will be celebrating the MIMLOCT Silver Jubilee! When Loren Dietrich and I started this bit of fun (as Loren called it), we could never have imagined that it would still be going 25 years on. I’m still Shielding on medical advice, but I’ll make a token flight in the garden and hope others are able to do at least that. Stay safe everyone and enjoy the International comradeship that the event promotes.
Mike Parker
Hull UK
My son, Richard and I both flew our CTs at Bloxham Oxfordshire.
Keep up the good work!